jeudi 2 janvier 2014

What's it all about?

New year, new resolutions, new blog !

You might wonder what the strange name is about… 

Umami… A call to your grandmother’s cooking, Ouh Mamie? A return to ancient French perhaps, Ouh Ma Mie? Umamimamoumi? 

Not at all, we are firmly anchored in modernity but with a cultural twist: Umami is actually a … Japanese word. It means “savoury”. But not just your average savoury tasty food. No. Umami describes the rich and subtle flavours coming from a blend of different ingredients which cooked  together bring about a stronger, richer, tastier and more elegant savoury element. It’s all about a bunch of chemicals from different ingredients which when cooked together create a sumptuous whole. For instance when you add parmesan to a risotto. 

So, mostly we have decided that we want to share our cooking experiences and recipes with you instead of keeping them to ourselves. We receive a wonderful little fruit and veg box every week from Abel and Cole ( and we have now experienced with delicious food we did not even know existed or better still…we thought we disliked! 

On top of delicious, tested and detailed recipes (also featuring a few classics and unfortunate patisserie elements), we also wanted to share our DIY attempts (furniture, clothes, cosmetics…).

Ok ok this blog is not only full of yummami intentions, there is a hidden message. We are trying to be more environmentally and planet friendly in our daily lives, favouring natural, organic products, a healthy lifestyle and pioneering change with thousands of other internet users and bloggers. We have tried and tested things that we want to share with you and hopefully convince you that a more natural lifestyle does not mean you have to compromise on your comfort and happiness…quite the opposite.

We are open to ideas, comments and suggestions and would love to discuss our recipes and ideas with you, so please share around and don’t hesitate to comment!


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